Knowledge Base

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When creating an application, the networks that will be available for this application depends on the number of roles that are given as parameter. Later, when running an experiment for this application, the user can choose one of the available networks for this application to run their experiment on. Each network is built out of channels, and each channel consists of two nodes. Below, all the channels and nodes of three of the currently implemented networks are listed, namely: Europe, The Netherlands, and Randstad.


slug: europe

Available channels:

  • paris-innsbruck
  • paris-barcelona
  • paris-copenhagen
  • paris-delft
  • innsbruck-barcelona
  • innsbruck-copenhagen
  • innsbruck-delft
  • barcelona-copenhagen
  • barcelona-delft
  • copenhagen-delft

Available nodes:

  • paris
  • innsbruck
  • copenhagen
  • delft
  • barcelona

The Netherlands

slug: the-netherlands

Available channels:

  • amsterdam-leiden
  • leiden-delft
  • delft-eindhoven
  • eindhoven-enschede
  • enschede-amsterdam

Available nodes:

  • amsterdam
  • leiden
  • delft
  • eindhoven
  • enschede


slug: randstad

Available channels:

  • amsterdam-leiden
  • leiden-the-hague
  • delft-the-hague
  • delft-rotterdam

Available nodes:

  • amsterdam
  • leiden
  • the-hague
  • delft
  • rotterdam